Striving to lead and innovate for the future
We create materials that will build up the future
We raise talented engineers who will lead the global society
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신소재공학과의 다양한 소식을 전해드립니다.
‘2025 QS Materials Science Ranking’ 세계 18위 <국...
신병하 학과장, MRL KAIST 신축기금으로 1천만 원 전달
Faculty Opening
Open Faculty Positions – Materials Science and Engineering at KAIST The Department of Materials Scien...
2025.02.13 -
이건재 교수, '이달의 과학기술인상' 2월 수상자로 선정
2024 학부생과 함께하는 봉사활동 (11/23)
2024 새내기과정 학부생을 위한 학과설명회 (11/20)
2024 학부생과 함께하는 봉사활동 (11/23)
2024 새내기과정 학부생을 위한 학과설명회 (11/20)
‘2025 QS Materials Science Ranking’ 세계 18위 <국...
신병하 학과장, MRL KAIST 신축기금으로 1천만 원 전달
Faculty Opening
Open Faculty Positions – Materials Science and Engineering at KAIST The Department of Materials Scien...
2025.02.13 -
이건재 교수, '이달의 과학기술인상' 2월 수상자로 선정
2024 학부생과 함께하는 봉사활동 (11/23)
2024 새내기과정 학부생을 위한 학과설명회 (11/20)
‘2025 QS Materials Science Ranking’ 세계 18위 <국...
신병하 학과장, MRL KAIST 신축기금으로 1천만 원 전달
Faculty Opening
Open Faculty Positions – Materials Science and Engineering at KAIST The Department of Materials Scien...
2025.02.13 -
이건재 교수, '이달의 과학기술인상' 2월 수상자로 선정
2024 학부생과 함께하는 봉사활동 (11/23)
2024 새내기과정 학부생을 위한 학과설명회 (11/20)
K-Materials Lecture
해외 석학 초청강연 내용을 알려드립니다.

Prof. Erik Luijten
Northwestern UniversityMy research focuses on the statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of materials, with a strong emphasis on complex fluids, such as polymeric systems, colloids, and electrolytes. These systems are stud...
Dr. Oki Gunawan
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center▶ Title: "The Parallel Dipole Line (PDL) Hall System at KAIST: A multifunction semiconductor characterization tool" ▶ Lecturer: Dr. Oki Gunawan (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center) ▶ Period: Ma...

Professor Michael J. Aziz
Harvard UniversityB.S., Honors, Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology, 1978 / S.M., Applied Physics, Harvard University, 1980. / Ph.D., Applied Physics, Harvard University, 1984. (Advisor: Prof. D. Turnbull)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dierk Raabe
Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbHProf. Dierk Raabe works on the simulation and mechanical properties of metallic alloys. He places emphasis on comparing simulations with experiments conducted under complex boundary conditions. Current...
Dr. Harm-Anton Klok
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)Materials & synthetic strategies : Peptide/protein-based materials and peptide/protein-polymer hybrids; Surface-initiated polymerization and polymer brushes; Controlled/”living” polymerization and ...
Prof. Erik Luijten
Northwestern UniversityMy research focuses on the statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of materials, with a strong emphasis on complex fluids, such as polymeric systems, colloids, and electrolytes. These systems are stud...
Dr. Oki Gunawan
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center▶ Title: "The Parallel Dipole Line (PDL) Hall System at KAIST: A multifunction semiconductor characterization tool" ▶ Lecturer: Dr. Oki Gunawan (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center) ▶ Period: Ma...

Professor Michael J. Aziz
Harvard UniversityB.S., Honors, Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology, 1978 / S.M., Applied Physics, Harvard University, 1980. / Ph.D., Applied Physics, Harvard University, 1984. (Advisor: Prof. D. Turnbull)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dierk Raabe
Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbHProf. Dierk Raabe works on the simulation and mechanical properties of metallic alloys. He places emphasis on comparing simulations with experiments conducted under complex boundary conditions. Current...
Dr. Harm-Anton Klok
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)Materials & synthetic strategies : Peptide/protein-based materials and peptide/protein-polymer hybrids; Surface-initiated polymerization and polymer brushes; Controlled/”living” polymerization and ...
Prof. Erik Luijten
Northwestern UniversityMy research focuses on the statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of materials, with a strong emphasis on complex fluids, such as polymeric systems, colloids, and electrolytes. These systems are stud... Menu
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Brain Korea 21FOUR
KAIST MSE R&E Initiative for K-Materials Global Innovation
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Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering K-materials Lecture
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Engineering Research Center - Global Bio-integrated Materials Center