
Date 2023-07-26 
Time 13:30 
Title Multidisciplinary Approach in the Quantum Age 
1. 일시 : 2023년 07월 26일(수), 오후 1시 30분
2. 장소 : 응용공학동(W1-1) 2층 제2세미나실 (2429호)
3. 주제 : Multidisciplinary Approach in the Quantum Age
4. 연사 : 김창섭 박사님(NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL))
5. 주관 : 신소재공학과 정우철 교수 
6. 초록:  What are superconducting and quantum devices? Why are NASA and JPL interested in them? What are the bottlenecks and how can we overcome? In this seminar, I will explain what multidisciplinary approach is needed, give examples of materials problems and why we need to bring people from different backgrounds together