
admin Apr 11, 2024 15:04:55
0 43
Date 2024-04-15 
Time 13:30 
Title Opportunities in Electrolysis Technology 
◆ 일시 : 2024년 04월 15일 (월)  오후 1시 30분
◆ 장소 : KI빌딩 5층 B501호 (Lecture Room)
◆ 연사 : 최중선 교수
◆ 주제 : Opportunities in Electrolysis Technology
◆ 주관 : 신소재공학과 오지훈 교수
◆ 초록
[ Opportunities in Electrolysis Technology ]


 Electrolysis industry has recently been driven by one of the global megatrends in sustainability. The key industry is in green hydrogen technology. However, electrolysis has many potentially attractive industry sectors. Chlor-alkali has been utilizing electrolysis for many decades. Furthermore, there are growing needs in water treatment, electrowinning, and cathode protection. In this seminar, we will look into various opportunities in electrolysis and future development direction to achieve electrolysis as the leading technology.