장재범 교수, 정연식 교수 공동연구팀, 신개념 생체형틀법 캠바이오(CamBio) 개발
2025-01-10 |
157 |
서동화 교수 연구팀, 일상 움직임으로 웨어러블 기기가 충전된다
2024-12-10 |
260 |
홍승범 교수 연구팀, 탄산음료의 치아 부식 예방 방법 과학적 규명
2024-12-05 |
207 |
정연식, 조은애 교수 공동연구팀, 62% 향상·수명 연장 수소 연료전지 촉매 개발
2024-12-04 |
174 |
김일두 교수 연구팀, 물로 차세대 리튬금속전지 750% 수명 연장시켜
2024-12-02 |
204 |
홍승범 교수 연구팀, 미래 반도체 소재 나노 분석 정확도 획기적 향상
2024-11-18 |
196 |
조힘찬 교수 연구팀, 친환경 발광 소재로 생생한 화면 즐긴다
2024-11-13 |
206 |
35 |
박종욱 Mobile Sensor Array Platform & its Circuit Development.
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
1643 |
34 |
Intel Best Paper Award at Electronic Components and Technology Conference
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
4324 |
33 |
백경욱 Intel Best Paper Award at Electronic Components and Technology Conference
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
1757 |
32 |
Excellent Paper Award at the 2014 Conference on Next Generation Lithography
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
4257 |
31 |
정연식 Excellent Paper Award at the 2014 Conference on Next Generation Lithography
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
1660 |
30 |
One of 2013 KAIST Top 10 Representative R&D Outcomes.
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
9112 |
29 |
전석우, 김일두 One of 2013 KAIST Top 10 Representative R&D Outcomes.
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
1790 |
28 |
3D Free Standing Structure Made of Graphene.
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
4145 |
27 |
김상욱 3D Free Standing Structure Made of Graphene.
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
1619 |
26 |
Seon-Jin Choi, Jinsup Lee Prize Winner at the “9th 1nside” Edge International Thesis Competition from Samsung Electro-mechanics.
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
4223 |
25 |
김일두, 전석우 Seon-Jin Choi, Jinsup Lee Prize Winner at the “9th 1nside” Edge International Thesis Competition from Samsung Electro-mechanics.
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
1681 |
24 |
Review article from Prof. Sang Ouk, Kim group was published in 25th anniversary of Advanced Materials.
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
4002 |
23 |
김상욱 Review article from Prof. Sang Ouk, Kim group was published in 25th anniversary of Advanced Materials.
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
1573 |
22 |
Prize Winner at 20th SAMSUNG Human Tech Paper award (2013)
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
4087 |
21 |
김상욱, 이건재 Prize Winner at 20th SAMSUNG Human Tech Paper award (2013)
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
1626 |
20 |
Excellent paper Award at the Optical Society of Korea.
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
3848 |
19 |
정연식 Excellent paper Award at the Optical Society of Korea.
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
1642 |
18 |
New Nanocomposite Catalyst applied for Li-O2 Batteries with improved High-capacity and Long-cycle
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
3950 |
17 |
전석우, 김일두 New Nanocomposite Catalyst applied for Li-O2 Batteries with improved High-capacity and Long-cycle
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
1628 |
16 |
Doctoral candidate Wan Heui Lee won the "Outstanding Poster Award" at The 2013 Spring Conference of the Kroean Institute of Metals and Materials", held in Jeju, Korea
2015-02-17 admin
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2015-02-17 |
3527 |