
장재범 교수, 정연식 교수 공동연구팀, 신개념 생체형틀법 캠바이오(CamBio) 개발 file
서동화 교수 연구팀, 일상 움직임으로 웨어러블 기기가 충전된다 file
홍승범 교수 연구팀, 탄산음료의 치아 부식 예방 방법 과학적 규명 file
정연식, 조은애 교수 공동연구팀, 62% 향상·수명 연장 수소 연료전지 촉매 개발 file
김일두 교수 연구팀, 물로 차세대 리튬금속전지 750% 수명 연장시켜 file
홍승범 교수 연구팀, 미래 반도체 소재 나노 분석 정확도 획기적 향상 file
조힘찬 교수 연구팀, 친환경 발광 소재로 생생한 화면 즐긴다 file
35 박종욱 Mobile Sensor Array Platform & its Circuit Development. file
34 Intel Best Paper Award at Electronic Components and Technology Conference file
33 백경욱 Intel Best Paper Award at Electronic Components and Technology Conference file
32 Excellent Paper Award at the 2014 Conference on Next Generation Lithography file
31 정연식 Excellent Paper Award at the 2014 Conference on Next Generation Lithography file
30 One of 2013 KAIST Top 10 Representative R&D Outcomes. file
29 전석우, 김일두 One of 2013 KAIST Top 10 Representative R&D Outcomes. file
28 3D Free Standing Structure Made of Graphene. file
27 김상욱 3D Free Standing Structure Made of Graphene. file
26 Seon-Jin Choi, Jinsup Lee Prize Winner at the “9th 1nside” Edge International Thesis Competition from Samsung Electro-mechanics. file
25 김일두, 전석우 Seon-Jin Choi, Jinsup Lee Prize Winner at the “9th 1nside” Edge International Thesis Competition from Samsung Electro-mechanics. file
24 Review article from Prof. Sang Ouk, Kim group was published in 25th anniversary of Advanced Materials. file
23 김상욱 Review article from Prof. Sang Ouk, Kim group was published in 25th anniversary of Advanced Materials. file
22 Prize Winner at 20th SAMSUNG Human Tech Paper award (2013) file
21 김상욱, 이건재 Prize Winner at 20th SAMSUNG Human Tech Paper award (2013) file
20 Excellent paper Award at the Optical Society of Korea. file
19 정연식 Excellent paper Award at the Optical Society of Korea. file
18 New Nanocomposite Catalyst applied for Li-O2 Batteries with improved High-capacity and Long-cycle file
17 전석우, 김일두 New Nanocomposite Catalyst applied for Li-O2 Batteries with improved High-capacity and Long-cycle file
16 Doctoral candidate Wan Heui Lee won the "Outstanding Poster Award" at The 2013 Spring Conference of the Kroean Institute of Metals and Materials", held in Jeju, Korea file