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The KAIST Lectures in Materials Science and Engineering (2019/05/06–09)
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering carried out ‘The KAIST Lectures in Materials Science and Engineering 2019’ as a 2019 project. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dierk Raabe, director of Max-Planck-Institut fuer Eisenforschung (MPIE) and professor at the RWTH Aachen, was invited to give two special lectures and to have meetings with graduate students.
ㅇ Lecture 1 : May 7th (Tue) 16:00, Atomic-Scale Analysis of Chemistry at Lattice Defects
ㅇ Lecture 2 : May 8th (Wed) 10:00, Metastable Nanostructured Metallic Alloys

About “The KAIST Lectures in Materials Science and Engineering”
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at KAIST proudly presents the KAIST Lectures in Materials Science and Engineering. For this lectureship, an internationally renowned and field-leading researcher in materials science and engineering at a foreign institution is selected and invited to give a series of lectures. The lectures are open to students and faculty members of KAIST as well as to the general public. The visiting lecturer, in addition to giving insightful talks on recent trends and advances in his/her field, is asked to participate in informal discussions with KAIST faculty members and students.
KAIST-Northwestern Univ. Joint Workshop (2019/05/14–18)
KAIST-Northwestern Univ. Joint Workshop was held at the Northwestern University campus in Chicago, USA, from May 14 to May 18. From our department, Prof. Sang Ouk Kim, Byungha Shin, Jonghwa Shin, Seokwoo Jeon, Seungbum Hong and Hyuck Mo Lee (Dept. Head) participated to have a meeting with NU Materials Science and Engineering faculty members as well as its students and post-docs. They also attended the ‘Proud Alumni of the Year' (awarded to KAIST President, Dr. Sung-Chul Shin) ceremony held on May 16.

7 Universities in 5 Countries Joint Symposium on MSE for the 21st Century (2019/06/26–29)
7 Universities in 5 Countries Joint Symposium 2019 was held from June 26 to June 29 at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. In our department, Prof. Hyuck Mo Lee (Dept. Head), Seung Min Han, Jae-Byum Chang, and 14 graduate students attended the symposium. It was an international exchange event involving KAIST, POSTECH, NTU (Singapore), Tohoku University (Japan), NTHU (Taiwan), USTB (China), and City University of Hong Kong (China).

KAIST-ASTU Joint Workshop (2019/07/29–08/04)
The KAIST-ASTU Joint Workshop, conducted as a part of the 2019 Globalization Innovation Project, was held at the Ethiopia Adama Institute from July 29 to August 4. Prof. Hyuck Mo Lee (Dept. Head), Sang-Hee Ko Park, Byungha Shin, Duk Young Jeon, Seokwoo Jeon presented under the theme ‘Workshop on Sustainable Engineering for Development Counties’.

KIST-KAIST Joint Research Lab Signboard Hanging Ceremony (2019/07/24)
Prof. Kibum Kang’s research group was selected for the ‘2019 KIST Joint Research Lab’, promoted by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), and held a signboard hanging ceremony on July 24 (Wednesday). The program selects Korea’s top-notch competent faculty for strategic cooperation research with KIST research groups. Prof. Kang was chosen in recognition of his excellent performance with his work on large area synthesis and layer assembly method based on two-dimensional materials at the atomic layer level.

Prof. Il-Doo Kim and Seokwoo Jeon, Awarded at the 9th ‘KINC Fusion Research Award’ (2019/03/25)
KAIST Institution for Nanocentry conducted the 9th ‘KINC Fusion Research Award’ ceremony on March 25. Prof. Il-Doo Kim and Seokwoo Jeon were awarded as the winner of ‘the largest number of Fusion Research Award’, which selects the researchers with the largest number of papers co-studied with various internal and external researchers.

Prof. Duk Young Jeon’s Retirement Ceremony (2019/09/03)
Prof. Duk Young Jeon joined KAIST in September 1994 and worked for 24 years and 11 months. He greatly contributed to the development of science, technology, and human resources. On September 3 (Tuesday), He gave a retirement lecture and received an appreciation plaque and a commemrative conveying our gratitude. Prof. Jeon was appointed as an Honorary Professor on September 1, 2019.

Prof. Hyuck Mo Lee, the Former Dept. Head, Received a plaque of merit (2019/09/03)
On September 3 (Tuesday), Prof. Hyuck Mo Lee received a plaque of merit and a bouquet of flowers in honor of his dedication and a strong sense of mission to the development of our department. He served as dept. head for nine years (from April 2011 to August 2019).

Visiting New York, Samsung AI Center (2019/05/13)
In the age of AI and the 4th Industrial Revolution, Prof. Hyuck Mo Lee and Seungbum Hong visited the Samsung AI Center in New York to share the information on establishing the AI graduate schools in KAIST and fostering the top-notch AI human resources. They had a meeting with Prof. Daniel Lee (Cornell Tech, Samsung AI Center VP)

Visit of Undergraduates at the Institute of Materials Science, EPFL (2019/08/27)
During their study trip to Korea, Prof. Roland Loge and 14 undergraduate students from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) visited our department on August 27 (Tue). The visitors had dinner with Prof. Hyuck Mo Lee and Chan Beum Park at Faculty Club after the tour of our department labs and the main facilities in KAIST.

2019 Spring Semester Dean’s List Award
The following students were selected as winners of the 2019 Spring Semester Dean’s List Award, which is presented to undergraduates with outstanding academic performance and innovative ideas.
- Seungjin Park (Advisor: Byung-guk Park), Yooseok Kim (Advisor: Kyunh W. Paik), Hyeon Beom Kim (Advisor: Sang Ouk Kim), Jihoon Choi (Advisor: Seokwoo Jeon)

Selecting 2019 Service Scholarship
The following undergraduate students were selected as winners of the 2019 Service Scholarship. They set a good example for other students, such as practicing the spirit of volunteering and consideration.
- Miyeon Park (Advisor: Jonghwa Shin), Seung Hyun Jeong (Advisor: Jonghwa Shin)

Meeting and Semester-Opening Party for Freshmen of Undergraduates (2019/02/26)
A meeting and the semester-opening party for the freshmen undergraduates were held on February 26. At the meeting, freshmen had a useful time by sharing various information while having lunch. The semester-opening party was held at a restaurant near the campus in the evening. Many professors and students attended including Prof. Hyuck Mo Lee. (Dept. head)

An Undergraduate Strawberry Party (2019/04/02)
Strawberry party for undergraduates was held on April 2, at the department foot volleyball field. Faculties and students joined together to have lunch with strawberries and had a pleasant and informative time with many different games, including the raffle of professors’ collections.

Meeting of Laboratory Safety Staffs in 2019 (2019/04/09)
Our department held a meeting of laboratory safety staff on April 9 to foster safety awareness and strengthen ties between each other.

The 6th KAIST Laboratory Safety Day, a Group/Personal ‘Best Award’ Award (2019/05/13)
On May 13 (Monday), at the celebrating event of the 6th KAIST Laboratory Safety Day, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering received the ‘Best Award’ for the group citation, and Hanyong Joo from the technical support received the ‘Best Award’ for personal citation. Our department also won the ‘Best Award’ in 2016 for its group and personal citation.

A Workshop for Faculty Members (2019/07/04–05)
A workshop for faculty members and staffs was held in Busan Ananti Cove on July 4 (Thursday) to July 5 (Friday). 23 professors and staff members attended to have a deep discussion about major issues on the development of our department.

Staff Meeting for the 2nd Half of 2019 (2019/09/06)
A staff meeting for the second half of 2019 was held on September 6 (Friday). Staff from our department and the graduate school of EEWS, Prof. Chan Beum Park (new dept. head), Prof. Hyuck Mo Lee (former dept. head), and Prof. Sang-Hee Ko Park (undergraduate head professor) attended the meeting. The meeting is held twice a year to foster communication and harmony among people, and to promote employee morale through mutual encouragement and consideration. The meeting for the first half of 2019 was held on January 30.

Information on Personnel Change
- Prof. Chan Beum Park was appointed as the dean of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. (2019. 9. 1. ~ 2024. 8. 31)
- Prof. Keon Jae Lee got a research annual leave. (2019. 8. 1. ~ 2020. 1. 30., KIST)
- Prof. Yeon Sik Jung was selected as a new member of the Young Korean Academy of Science and Technology (Y-KAST) in 2019.