
박민규(주식회사 버추얼랩)
이혁모 교수님 정년퇴임 기념강연
176 Regular 11/24(Tue) Prof. Boyoung Joung (Cardiology, Severance Hospital Yonsei Univ.)
175 Regular 11/19 (화) Dr. Jeung-hyun Jeong (KIST, Photo-electronic Hybrids)
174 Regular 9/6(Tue) Prof. Seung Yong Park, (The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Head of the Department of Materials and Energy Science and Engineering)
173 Regular 9/15(Tue) Prof. Sanghun Jeon (Dept. of Applied Physics, Korea Univ.)
172 Regular 12/10 (화) Prof. Nong-moon Hwang (Dept. of MSE, Seoul National University)
171 Regular 4/15 (화) 김수호 박사 (Chief Technology Offiicer, Alantum Corporation)
170 Regular 6/3 (화) Prof. Alfredo Alexander-Katz (Dept. of MSE, MIT)
169 Regular 4/29 (화) 박상희 교수 (KAIST 신소재공학과)
168 Regular 9/8(Tue) Prof. Suk-Joong L. Kang (Dept. of MSE, KAIST)
167 Regular 3/25 (화) 황현상 교수 (포항공과대학교 신소재공학과)
166 Regular 2017 The Fall Semester Seminar file
165 Regular 11/17(Tue) Dr. Jong-Woo Park, Technical Adviser (Choil Aluminum Co. Ltd)
164 Regular 10/1 (화) 이재승 교수 (Dept. of MSE, Korea University)
163 Regular 3/4 (화) 신병하 교수 (KAIST 신소재공학과)
162 Regular 6/2(Tue) Prof. Christopher Bielawski (Dept. of Chemistry, UNIST)
161 Regular 5/12(Tue) Dr. Taewon Lim, Vice President (Hyundai Motor Group, Central Adv. Research & Eng. Inst.)
160 Regular 10/15 (화) Prof. Yong-beom Lim (Dept. of MSE, Yonsei University)
159 Regular 5/26(Tue) Dr. Sung-Ho Park, Executive Vice President (POSCO Technical Research Lab.)
158 Regular 4/7(Tue) Prof. Hyunjoo Lee (Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST)
157 Regular 5/19(Tue) Prof. Heejoon Ahn (Dept. of Organic and Nano Eng., Hanyang Univ.)