
박현서 박사 (KIST 수소-연료전지연구센터)
Joshua Schrier(Fordham University)
최중선 교수 (한동대학교)
권영국 교수 (울산과학기술원 에너지화학공학과)
조상준 전무 (파크시스템스)
Prof.Li, Songlin (Nanjing Univ.) file
202 Special 2/8 (Thu) Prof. Pei-Chen Su (Nanyang Technological University) file
201 Special 11/6 ~ 7 Prof. Erik Luijten (Northwestern University) file
200 Special 02/20 (월) 특별세미나 안내, 황철성 교수 (서울대)
199 Special 11/16(수) 특별 세미나 안내, 강승균 박사 (Dept. of MSE, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
198 Special 10/11(화) 특별 세미나 안내 (Prof. Leon Abelmann, KIST Europe)
197 Special 9/30(금) 특별세미나 안내 (Mark Ediger, University of Wisconsin-Madison / Department of Chemistry)
196 Special 11/22 (Wed) 강성훈 교수 (Johns Hopkins Unviersity) file
195 Special 5/30 (Tue) 고창현 교수 (숙명여자대학교)
194 Special 7/25 (Wed) Dr. Chang Sub Kim (Department of MSE, MIT)
193 Special 12/23(금) 특별세미나 안내, 김재진 박사님(Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory)
192 Special 12/11 (Wen) Prof. Bin Ding (Donghua University)
191 Special 10/4(화) KAIST Self-Assembly Symposium 2016 file
190 Special 6/8(수) 특별 세미나 안내 (Prof. Sunghwan Lee, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Baylor University) file
189 Special 11/6 (Mon) Prof. Redouane Borsali (Grenoble Alpes University)
188 Special 11/30 (Mon) 송영민 교수 (광주과학기술원 전기전자컴퓨터공학부) file
187 Special 9/13 (Wed) 유인경 박사 (SAIT)
186 Special 9/12 (Tue) Monika Fleischer(Eberhard Karls University Tübingen)
185 Special 8/2(화) KAIST International MSE Workshop 2016
184 Special 8/23(화) 특별세미나 안내 (김지환 교수, MIT)
183 Special 4/13(수) 특별 세미나 안내 (Prof. Hyuk Yu, Department of Chemistry, Wisconsin University)