
Administrator May 01, 2014 10:42:43
0 2156
2014년 4월 29일 (화) 개최되는 특별 세미나를 아래와 같이 안내해드립니다.

= 아 래 =

1. 일 시 : 2014. 4. 29 (화), 14:30 ~
2. 장 소 : 신소재공학과 2425호 강의실
3. 연 사 : Dr. Aron Walsh (Univ. of Bath, UK)
4. 제 목 : Materials by Design: Energy Solutions from Computational Chemistry
5. 발표내용요약(Abstract)

  The design of functional materials, tailored for applications ranging from catalysis to solar cells, is now possible by combining theoretical chemistry with high-performance computations. I will discuss our recent progress and contributions in this area with applications to solar electricity [1,2], solar fuel [3] and the development of electroactive metal-organic frameworks [4]. The materials chemistry of metal oxides, sulphides and halides will be explored with an aim of bridging the divide between calculable properties and experimental observables. The work is funded by the European Research Council and the Royal Society, and employs the UK national supercomputers HECToR and Archer.