
Administrator Sep 20, 2012 10:01:23
0 5770
9월 18일 (화) 개최되는 신소재공학과 정기세미나를 아래와 같이 안내해드립니다.

= 아 래 =

1. 일 시 : 2012. 9. 18 (화), 16:00 ~
2. 장 소 : 응용공학동 1층 영상강의실
3. 연 사 : 정성윤 교수 (KAIST EEWS대학원)
4. 제 목 : The Value of Direct Observation in Physical Science
5. 발표내용요약(Abstract)

  The importance of direct physical imaging and chemical probing has been widely noted, as both can provide crucial and unexpectedly invaluable information in a variety of scientific fields, including not only materials science and condensed-matter physics but also brain science, photonics, biology, astronomy, and even research for historic materials. In particular, recent advances in spherical aberration correction in TEM have enabled the observation of a crystal lattice at a real atomic scale, making it possible to visualize the atomic columns of even light elements in angstrom resolution. In this presentation, four different latest issues in imaging science based on electron microscopy will be covered to provide a better insight into the correlation between physics, chemistry, and atomic-level imaging.