
이혁모 교수님
유정근 (한국과학기술연구원)
유진경 박사님 (Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Los Alamos National Laboratory)
이승윤 상무님 (한화큐셀)
Prof. Yuanyuan (Alvin) Zhou (HKUST)
Prof. Dong HeeSon (Texas A&M University) file
이세린 박사 (MIT)
136 Regular 12/3 (화) Dr. Woo Jin Lee (미래창조과학부 창조경제기반담당관 기술서기관)
135 Regular 12/3 (화) Dr. Woo Jin Lee (미래창조과학부 창조경제기반담당관 기술서기관)
134 Regular 11/26 (화) Prof. Young Keun Kim (Korea University, Dept. of MSE)
133 Regular 11/26 (화) Prof. Young Keun Kim (Korea University, Dept. of MSE)
132 Regular 11/19 (화) Dr. Jeung-hyun Jeong (KIST, Photo-electronic Hybrids)
131 Regular 11/19 (화) Dr. Jeung-hyun Jeong (KIST, Photo-electronic Hybrids)
130 Regular 11/12 (화) Dr. Sangyoon Lee (SAIT, Emerging material research center)
129 Regular 11/12 (화) Dr. Sangyoon Lee (SAIT, Emerging material research center)
128 Regular 11/5 (화) Prof. Byungwoo Kang (POSTECH, Dept. of MSE)
127 Regular 11/5 (화) Prof. Byungwoo Kang (POSTECH, Dept. of MSE)
126 Regular 10/29 (화) Prof. Byeong-Su Kim (UNIST, Interdisciplinary School of Green)
125 Regular 10/29 (화) Prof. Byeong-Su Kim (UNIST, Interdisciplinary School of Green)
124 Regular 10/15 (화) Prof. Yong-beom Lim (Dept. of MSE, Yonsei University)
123 Regular 10/15 (화) Prof. Yong-beom Lim (Dept. of MSE, Yonsei University)
122 Regular 10/8 (화) Dr. Joon-Jeong Yi (Future Explorer/Science Columnist, Institute of Exploring the Future)
121 Regular 10/8 (화) Dr. Joon-Jeong Yi (Future Explorer/Science Columnist, Institute of Exploring the Future)
120 Regular 10/1 (화) 이재승 교수 (Dept. of MSE, Korea University)
119 Regular 10/1 (화) 이재승 교수 (Dept. of MSE, Korea University)
118 Regular 9/24 (화) Prof. Moonsub Shim (UIUC)
117 Regular 9/24 (화) Prof. Moonsub Shim (UIUC)