
TeamLeader Mar 14, 2017 09:11:09
0 1327
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동경공대 KAIST 방문

ㅇ 일자 :  2017. 3. 13 (월)

ㅇ 참가자

     - Professor HARA Masahiko (Materials and Chenical Technology / Associate Director of International Office)

     - Professor HAYAMIZU Yuhei (Materials Science and Engineering) 

     - [KAIST] 이혁모 교수(학과장), 신병하 교수,  스티브 박 교수

ㅇ 회의 의제
   - Establishing double degree programs between partner schools / departments of KAIST and Tokyo Tech
   - Discussing future academic collaboration and student exchange initiatives between KAIST and Tokyo Tech
   - Fostering cooperation between KAIST and Tokyo Tech through other CAMPUS Asia Programs such as Summer School and Research Internship
   - and more ...