
강정구 교수 연구팀, 수 초 만에도 급속충전 가능 소듐전지 개발 file
강기범 교수팀, 차세대 이차원 반도체 핵심 기술 개발​ file
홍승범 교수팀, 화학물질 없이 식각하는 반도체 기술 최초 개발 file
김상욱 교수 연구팀, 인공지능을 위한 신소재 혁신방향 제시 file
김경민 교수 연구팀, 반도체가 곤충처럼 사물 움직임 감지한다 file
육종민 교수 연구팀, 알츠하이머 발병 과정을 관찰하다 file
215 Researchers develop flexible vertical micro LED file
214 Real-Time Analysis of MOF Adsorption Behavior file
213 Biomimetic Resonant Acoustic Sensor Detecting Far-Distant Voices Accurately to Hit the Market​ (Prof. Lee, Keon Jae)
212 Doctoral candidate Wan Heui Lee won the "Outstanding Poster Award" at The 2013 Spring Conference of the Kroean Institute of Metals and Materials", held in Jeju, Korea file
211 Crystal size of organic semiconductors can be controlled using inorganic polymer micropillar-based solution shearing system file
210 김상욱 “Nature Materials” News & Views wrote by Prof. Sang Ouk Kim file
209 Highly Uniform and Low Hysteresis Pressure Sensor to Increase Practical Applicability file
208 고신축성 압전 하베스터 개발 file
207 김상욱 Academic Achievements & Related Awards file
206 Doctoral candidate Heong Min Jin won the Outstanding Poster Award at Conference of the Next Generation Lithography 2013 file
205 Master candidate Jae Yoon Park won the Best Poster Award at the 2012 annual meeting of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering. file
204 Exhaled breath sensor for the diagnosis of diabetes, highlighted in Nanowerk spotlight file
203 Doctoral candidate Min-Jae Choi won the Excellent Poster Award in the Spring Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society file
202 Postdoctoral research fellow Woon Ik Park won the Silver Prize at the 2012 Dow Electronic Materials Award. file
201 Master candidate Hyein Chang wins Outstanding Poster Award at International Display Workshops 2012. file
200 Splendid accomplishment from Doctoral candidate Jun Young Park. file
199 Lifespan of Fuel Cells Maximized using Small Amount of Metals file
198 이건재 The Way towards Commercialization of Highly Efficient Nanogenerator file
197 이건재 The First Demonstration of Self-powered Cardiac Pacemaker file
196 7 nanometer Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology with Camera Flash file