
KAIST신소재공학과, 2024 QS 세계대학평가 세계 21위<국내 1위> file
신임교원 이창환 교수 부임 file
신종화 교수 랩, ‘23년 안전관리 우수연구실 인증’ 획득 file
박찬범 교수, MRL KAIST 신축기금으로 1천만 원 전달 file
신소재공학과 안전지킴이 시상식 개최 file
김상욱 교수,이건재 교수, 2023년 국가연구개발 우수성과 100선에 선정
강지형 교수, 2023년 젊은 과학자상 수상 file
353 이건재 교수, 세계최초 나노복합체 자가발전기술 개발 file
352 이건재 교수, 세계최초 나노복합체 자가발전기술 개발 file
351 6 Subjects of KAIST Ranked in the Top 20 in the World file
350 Faculty Opening file
349 신임 교원 조힘찬 박사 부임 file
348 신임 교원 염지현 박사 부임 file
347 Prof. Hyuck Mo Lee(Head of the Department) offered guidance to students from KAIST who will be sent to oversea program file
346 Ji Won Shin, a doctoral graduate, receives Intel Best Student Paper Award from ECTC file
345 Prof. Sang Ouk Kim received the Grand Prize for Academic Excellence of the 2015 Faculty Award in the 44th Anniversary of foundation of KAIST file
344 Prof. Keon Jae Lee was selected as one of the representative research 2014 Top 10 file
343 Prof. Chan Beum Park received the Joint Research Prize of the 2015 Faculty Award in the 44th Anniversary of foundation of KAIST file
342 Nowoo Kwak, Bonjae Koo, Yoonseok Choi, Han Gil Seo (Advisor: Prof. Woochul Jung) received prizes from Korean Ceramic Society file
341 Professor Suk-Joong Kang Receives the Richard Brook Award file
340 KiMin Jung (Advisor: Prof. Hyuk Sang Kwon) received prize from The Corrosion Science Society of Korea file
339 이원종 교수님 연구실/이덕현 박사과정생, 'Advanced Materials' 저널에 논문 게재
338 Prof. Sang Ouk Kim received the POSCO Academic Award file
337 Professor Seok-Jung Kang Is Appointed the Director of the Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology file
336 이건재 교수, '유연한 나노신소재 발전기술' 개발
335 Professor Keon Jae Lee is invited IEDM and ISSCC conferences as a speaker file
334 2018 Joint Symposium on Materials Science and Engineering for the 21st Century file